02-6766 494 dukeuae@eim.ae

International ‘Premier’ Diploma Program on Sales Management & Marketing

This Program provides training to ENSURE management SUCCESS in

The Vital Fields of Managing Sales and Marketing

Top-class selling ability is not all that is required for success in sales/marketing management. Not only must knowledge be possessed about market research, about distribution channels, marketing strategies, advertising, publicity, public relations, and much more, but a sales/marketing manager must manage his or her subordinates: recruit them, motivate them, control them, plan and organize their activities. Training is essential for success in sales/marketing; this very practical Program provides the very best training on the wide-ranging duties of sales and marketing managers and staff in today’s highly competitive world of business.

Major Topics Covered in this Diploma Program:

  • Principles of salesmanship – internal selling, commercial travelling. Methods of selling. The Internet. Consumers and commercial buyers.
  • Principles of management: recruiting, training, remunerating, controlling and motivating sales personnel, building sales teams.
  • Market research: consumer research, market surveys, test marketing, sales forecasting, planning, budgeting and budgetary control.
  • Channels of distribution; selecting the best for the products. Credit terms and credit limits. Discounts: trade, quantity. Export selling.
  • Direct and indirect advertising and publicity, sales promotion, sales letters and sales literature, direct marketing, public relations.
  • The sales office, sales records, graphs and statistics, analysis of data, computers in sales recording

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