02-6766 494 dukeuae@eim.ae



In the workplace, you’ll need to make decisions and resolve problems frequently. And while many of your decisions are not so important, some are potentially life changing. So learning how to use effective strategies and tools will help you to make the right decisions at the right time.

The Duke’s Training on Problems Solving and Decision Making Training Course provides you with skills such as problem solving techniques and models, organising methods, ways to conduct research, identifying options to achieve accurate decision-making and problem solving.

This highly valuable and effective training course is now available @ Duke Training Centre.



Correct and timely decision-making can be done using specific techniques and enhanced knowledge of the self and situations. During this Decision Making Training Course, participants receive training in applying problem solving techniques to help decision making, identify appropriate solutions, use creativity, evaluate situations and people, predict outcomes and more.

Having a process to work through can take the anxiety out of problem-solving and make decision-making easier. By using best practice techniques you can learn to be more effective when problems arise and be more efficient when solving those issues.


After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

  • Apply problem-solving steps and tools
  • Analyse information to clearly describe problems
  • Identify appropriate solutions
  • Think creatively and be a contributing member of a problem-solving team
  • Select the best approach for making decisions
  • Create plans for implementing, evaluating, and following up
  • Avoid common decision-making mistakes
  • Make correct and timely decisions
  • Use problem-solving model and toolkit
  • Use SWOT Analysis
  • Make good group decisions

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